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CopperCast Chesapeake Bay Retrievers
Ch. Chesabar's Along for the Ride
Rocky is a happy and easygoing boy that is a pleasure to live with. Like his show name suggests, he takes everything in stride. He is great with kids as well as big and little dogs. He lives with and plays daily with Tonka, his mom Gidget, sister Mimi, son Edgar, Aunt Sonya, cousin Lola, and Nelson (a Border Terrier). Rocky is a medium-sized male, about 80 pounds with a correct head, great front, balanced movement, thick, wooly coat and nice earset. Puppies from Rocky's first litters are showing potential in conformation, rally, agility, and as hunting companions. OFA excellent / elbows normal / CERF '14 / PRA normal / DM Normal.
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